How To Add Social Icons To The Navbar

The navbar (main menu) is one of the first things visitors interact with on a website, which is why adding social media links to it is quite common. The TeaseX theme lets you do so as well — with stylish and customizable social media icons.

Keep reading to get started.

Step 1

Log into your site by entering its domain into the browser’s address bar followed by /login and hitting enter.

TeaseX - Fearless Fairy Login URL

On the Login page, enter your username or email into the Username or Email Address field, your password into the Password field, and click the Log In button.

TeaseX Step 1 Log In

Note: You can find your admin credentials in one of the support tickets in the Vicetemple client area. If you’re not sure where to find them, feel free to send us a message over live chat.

The page will reload and direct you to the admin dashboard.

Step 2

Click on Theme Options in the admin bar at the top.

TeaseX - Theme Options Arrow

Then, find and select the Header tab.

TeaseX - Theme Options Select Header

Step 3

Scroll down to the Social Icon section, where you can use the Type option to choose between three layouts for the navbar’s social icons: None, Large icon, and Icon set.

Each layout will be described below.


Selecting None under Type will disable this section in the navbar. Consequently, if the main menu is enabled, it will be moved into the icons’ place — from the center to the right.

TeaseX Social Icon - Type None

For more information on the main menu and how to enable and customize it, check this guide.

Large Icon

Selecting Large icon under Type will allow you to feature a single image in the right corner of the navbar that will direct visitors to the desired page on click.

Choosing to display a large icon will give you three new options: Icon, Max icon height, and Link.


You can add a large icon to the site in two ways: by pasting the image’s direct URL or by selecting a file from the media library.

To add an image by URL, copy its direct link from the source website, and paste it into the Icon field.

TeaseX Social Icon - Icon Field

To upload an image directly to the site or select it from the media library, click the upload button next to the field, which will display the Icon window.

TeaseX Social Icon - Upload

In the window, select the Upload files tab, and click on the Select Files button to upload an image from your device.

TeaseX - Social Icon Select Files

Alternatively, to choose an existing image from the media library, select the Media Library tab at the top.

TeaseX Social Icon - Media Library Tab

Your uploaded image will be immediately selected. Otherwise, click on the image you want to set as the large icon. The one you pick will have a blue frame and a check mark.

TeaseX Social Icon - Icon Selected

Click on Select in the bottom right corner to confirm your choice.

TeaseX - Icon Select Button

Note: For optimal results, make sure that the logo has a minimum width of 160 pixels and minimum height of 28 pixels.

Max Icon Height

To further adjust the icon’s size in the navbar — such as making it larger or smaller — enter a new height for it into the next field, Max icon height. The icon’s width will be scaled accordingly with its height to preserve the aspect ratio.

TeaseX - Social Icon Max Icon Height

Note: The Max icon height option doesn’t set fixed dimensions for the icon. Instead, it caps the maximum dimensions the icon can use, allowing it to be smaller in case higher dimensions are not available; thus ensuring it always uses its best possible quality.


The last option — Link — will add your entered URL to the icon, directing your visitors to that page when they click it.

TeaseX - Icon Link Example

Icon Set

The last choice under Type is called Icon set. It will give you four global options that will let you add up to five social icons to the navbar and another four options for each link (social icon), as described below.

Icon Set

The Icon set option lets you choose between two icon sets: Flat and Original.

The Flat icon set consists of seventy-two Vicetemple-made icons featuring the most popular content sites and social networks. These icons can be recolored from the Colors tab (explained later).

TeaseX Social Icons - Social Media Flat

On the other hand, the Original set features the same content sites and social networks using their original designs and colors. However, their colors cannot be changed.

TeaseX Social Icons - Social Media Original

Max Icon Dimensions

The next option lets you resize the icons, making them larger or smaller than the default value of 36 by 36 pixels. To do so, enter a new value into the Max icon dimensions field.

TeaseX Social Icon - Max Icon Dimensions

Note: The Max icon dimensions value will affect both an icon’s width and height.

Then, click on the Save Changes button at the top.

TeaseX Social Icon - Recolored Save Changes


Finally, click the Add link button under Links, which will create a new link widget below.

TeaseX Social Icon - Links Add Link

You can give the link widget a name (1), duplicate (2), or delete it (3).

Link widget

Each link widget (icon) has the following options.


Disabling the Show toggle lets you hide a social icon without losing any of the entered information. Enabling it will show the social icon in the navbar again.

TeaseX Social Icon - Show Toggle


The Icon option is a searchable drop-down that lets you choose one of 72 icons to represent your link.

TeaseX Social Icon - Icon Dropdown


The Link field will add your entered URL to the selected icon, directing your visitors to that page when they click on it.

TeaseX Social Icon - Link Field

Open in a new tab

The Open in a new tab toggle lets you choose whether the link will open in the same browser tab or in a new one. Disabling the option will open it in the same tab, while keeping it enabled will open a new tab.

TeaseX Social Icon - Open In A New Tab

Once you’ve configured your links, click the Save Changes button to apply them.

TeasaX Social Icon - Save Changes

Social icon(s) that you add will be immediately shown in the right corner of your website’s navbar.

TeaseX Social Icon - Icon Set Original

If you’ve selected the Flat icon set, they will use the color configured on the Theme Options page (covered below).

TeaseX Social Icon - Icon Set Flat

In case you’ve gone with a Large icon, it will be shown where the icon sets would have otherwise been.

TeaseX Social Icon - Large Icon Example

Recolor Icons

To change the Flat icon set’s color, select the Colors tab on the Theme Options page.

TeaseX Theme Options - Colors

Then, locate the Icon color option in the Links & Icons group. The option lets you change the icons’ color using one of the following methods: pasting the color’s code or selecting it from the color picker.

TeaseX Social Icons - Icon Color

To use the first method, paste a color’s hex, RGB, or RGBA code into the field.

TeaseX Social Icons - Icon Color RGBA

The second method lets you select the color directly from the color picker. Click the colored rectangle on the right, and pick a hue from the color picker when it appears.

TeaseX Social Icons - Icon Color Picker

Note: This option also affects the color of the Flat icons added to the footer.

When you’re done, click the Save Changes button at the top to apply the new color.

TeaseX Social Icon - Recolored Save Changes

Your new icon color will be immediately applied to the website.

TeaseX Social Icon - Recolored Flat Icon Set